Female Tattoo Gallery
It's not really known how long tattooing has been around but it's quite possibly as long as 12,000 years ago and we do know the ancient Egyptians practiced the art of tattooing.
One may think the art of tattooing has its history mainly with men. Not so. Women from various cultures tattooed their bodies for a variety of reasons. Take the women from Borneo. They would mark themselves to show what they were skilled at, such as weaving or a gatherer of medicinal herbs. This communicated their rank as marriage material. In western Asia, girls were marked in such a way as to show their place in society.
Tattooing has gone through its ups and downs over the centuries, has even been banned many times in different cultures for periods of time. It appears that tattooing will never really go away. During periods of a ban it seems to go underground until such time it is free to resurface.
Tattooing, (which is a Tahitian word meaning "to be marked") in some cultures, has only the women being allowed to do the markings.
Today's women are free to make their own choices in regards to tattooing. It is becoming more and more popular to have artistic designs placed just about anywhere on the body. You commonly see tattoos adorning an ankle, or husbands or boyfriends names on a forearm. Some women like to have a private tattoo for their spouse only.
Religious Tattoos
Religious Tattoos
However, religious symbols – Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Islam or otherwise – are actually quite common tattoo designs. It might surprise you that about 25% of all tattoos in America have a religious meaning
50 Cent's Tatoo covers most part of his body and look like a work of art. He has tattoo covering his arms, back and the front region of his body. He had some of the tattoo on his right arm removed as he was keen to pursue a career in Hollywood.
He thought that the tattoo could be a hindrance to his dreams of making it big in movies as a lot of time was spent on make up to cover his tattoo and had some of the prominent ones removed.
The tattoo on the back which is more famous and which sports the signature 50 cents and Southside are still present and are part of his overall personality and one cannot imagine him without these.
For a person who had quite a troubled childhood to rise to such fame is amazing and 50 cents whose albums Get rich or Die Tryin and the Massacrre were multi platinum selling hits.
You need to have a certain personality to carry off a tattoo and 50 cent does it in style. Lot of celebrities get some part of their bodies tattooed and after a period of time removes it.
Bird Tattoo Designs
Butterfly Tattoos
Butterfly tattoos have become a growing trend among women compared to other tattoos that are available. Today you can find different kinds of butterfly tattoos being designed in a variety of colors and shapes. Adults as well as teenagers often visit stores to choose from different butterfly tattoos and get them engraved on their body. Tattoo galleries provide a variety of tattoos that might have to spend time in selecting one that suits your choice. Some of the most popular choices at the butterfly tattoo gallery are Celtic Butterfly tattoo, Tribal Butterfly Tattoo and several others. Most often the colors used for butterfly tattoos are red, yellow or green with different designs, themes and styles. There is also a combination in tattoos like with flowers or animals. There are some tattoos which act as a fashion statement while the others might have a specific meaning.
Why Tribal Tattoos?
Natural Tribal Tattoos
Tribal Tattoos are extremely popular and can add a distinct 'je ne sais quoi' to a person's character. The real beauty of tribal tattoos is that they don't have to be loud and obnoxious useless you want them to be, but rather subtle and stylish. It is a style that typically capitalizes on solid black lines and coloring (with some exceptions of course) and it is also composed of pointed and curved elements. It's bold and eye catching. In short, it's a pretty wicked looking style!
shoulder tattoo for girl | TATTOOS FOR GIRLS
shoulder are common locations for girl's tattoos. The lower back is especially popular for butterfly tattoos. A small foot tattoo of a flower with its stem curling around a toe is a fun idea to consider.
Tribal Tattoo, tattoo ideas
Tribal arm Tattoo ideas
Later on, tattoos were used to create scenes on the body depicting battles the tribe member took place in. They were also used as memorials for loved ones who had passed away, their memory honored in the form of a soaring eagle.
Tattoos were certainly not limited to Native Americans, however. The Yokuts of California used body modification to call attention to the location of a person's supernatural power; the indigenous tribes of New Zealand, Africa, Central America and Hawaii also practiced the art of tattooing.
Black Tribal Dragon Tattoos
When you are looking at black tribal dragon tattoos, make sure that you find a design that really speaks to you. In your mind, what is your dragon tattoo doing? Black tribal dragon tattoos are wonderful choices for any tattoo fan, so take a look at the tattoo art designs that are available and find the one that suits you the best!
Black Tribal Dragon Tattoos
Butterfly tattoos Gallery
Tribal Tattoo Gallery
tribal tattoos ideas for men